
"Jan's really a creative talent. She's always thinking of exciting angles and fresh communication techniques. When Jan's involved in a project, you know great things are going to happen."

    Fred Carpenter, President
    DesignScape Media, Inc.
    350 Brannan Street, 2nd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94107
    p (415) 896-0595 f (415) 896-0787 Email: fred@designscape.com

"Jan came to us by way of referral. I needed a writer who could understand my client's complicated software program, fully appreciate the user's creative process, and be able to write copy that would sell. Jan fit the bill, and even turned the copy around more quickly than she had promised."

    Cheryl Thompson
    Paradigm 3 Marketing

"As a member of the concepting team for a number of print advertising projects, Jan jumped right in with ideas that were on target and innovative. We worked well together and I would highly recoimmend her for any project where tight deadlines go hand-in-hand with cutting-edge creative."

    Even Peter
    Associate Creative Director
    Dazai Advertising

"Jan has so many ideas it's a wonder her head doesn't explode."

    John Stoneham
    Stoneham Design
    14577 Big Basin Way, Upstairs
    Saratoga, CA 95070

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